King of thieves is the most demanding and action version, You can say that its a puzzle game. In this game you will using puzzle platform and your character passing by the next level, In which game you will using stealth mechanics, and you will try to avoidance the enemy. In this version you will using upgrade and powerups that will help to save your life, and your character will be more powerful. So guys in this version multiplayer playing so you can easily play with your friends. So guys your character will automatically goin forward you will control and try to save the enemies when you will complete the level then your character speed will be increasing and even more difficult to handling. You can also download Tap Titan 2 our website.
System Requirement Of King Of Thieves
- Graphic Card : Adreno atau Mali-t628
- Ram : 4 GB
- Storage : 500MB
- Processor : core 2 duo
So guys it was developed by under the banner of ZeptoLab and the publisher of this version is same, It was released in 12 February, 2015 and the game graphic is superb in which you will get colorful and detailed environment. The game soundtrack is very exciting in which you will found action peaked music. There are different types of challenges you will complete the level then you will go to the next level. You will had to face puzzle, so guys you will see the popularity of this version is million of people download around the world when you will play the game this will blow your mind, last time is see on the play store the rating was 4.5 and i was checked the apple store was 4.7.
How To Download And Install King Of Thieves
First of all click on downside the download button on the other page you will get a links, it will also uploaded and installation of the creation. So guys don’t worry keep believe on us comment section we are online for our brothers.